12-059 Disposal of Bio-solids to a Composting Facility - ITB

Bid/RFP Status: 
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, August 24, 2012 - 2:00pm
Bid Awarded To: 
Prolime Corporation
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
The City of Naples is always looking at ways to “Green” the environment. Composting is a proven
“Green” technology. The City of Naples would like to begin disposing of its bio-solids at a
composting facility by January 1, 2013.
The purpose of this bid is to obtain competitive pricing for the hauling and disposal to a composting
facility of:
A. Bio-solids (sludge) – Dewatered only (No digestion – 15% to 18% solids) from the City of
Naples Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1400 Third Avenue North, Naples, FL 34102.
(The City utilizes three (3) Komline Sanderson belt presses. These presses are all two (2)
meters in size.)
B. Bio-solids (sludge) – Liquid (1% to 1.5% solids) from the City of Naples Wastewater
Treatment Plant, 1400 3rd Avenue North, Naples, FL 34102.
(The City has not hauled liquid sludge since 1986 and this type of hauling is not anticipated
to occur during the timeline of this bid. However, emergencies can always occur and the
City must be able to dispose of sludge during emergency events.)