13-022 Port Royal Habitat Island and Canal Dredging Project - ITB

Bid/RFP Status: 
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Monday, February 25, 2013 - 2:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
13-022 Port Royal Habitat Island and Canal Dredging Project - ITB


The Work covered by the descriptions found in this section, detailed throughout the Contract Documents and Specification Sections, is generally described as (i) excavation of approximately 17,960 CY (to design depth) with an overdredge pay allowance of 3,785 CY from six distinct areas within the Port Royal Residential Canal system to the design elevation specified in the Construction Drawings, (ii) excavation and re-use of approximately 65 CY of oyster shell from within the entrance to Galleon Cove (iii) conveyance and dewatering of the excavated material for final placement and grading to create a habitat island approximately 1.7 acres in size and (iv) creation of a stabilized perimeter for the habitat island using a combination of sediment filled geotextile containers, oyster reef and rip rap for the base bid.  Bid Option A, if awarded, requires the installation of vegetation on the habitat island.  

The Contractor shall furnish all plant, labor, equipment, supplies and material and perform all operations in connection with completing the Work within the lines, grades and cross-sections within the lines, grades, and cross sections specified in these Documents and on the Construction Drawings.  The Contractor shall pay for all work items described in these Specifications and Contract Documents unless otherwise noted.

The Contractor shall have the opportunity to contract separately with individual property owners within the Port Royal residential canal system for individual private dredging beyond the scope of the City’s project.  All private dredging by the contractor by separate contract must not adversely affect the Contractor’s ability to complete the City’s work within the prescribed timeframe.  No allowance for time extensions will be provided to the Contractor for private dredging.  The private property owner and Contractor are responsible for procuring all regulatory permits required for private canal dredging.  The City’s dredge permits do not provide for private dredging.  In conducting private dredging, the contractor and private property owner shall hold the City employees and the Engineer and its employees harmless from any personal or property damage, or environmental violation from any local, state or federal regulatory agency.