13-037 Refurbish City Hall Rain Garden - RWQ

Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, June 14, 2013 - 4:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
13-037 Refurbish City Hall Rain Garden - RWQ

OVERVIEW: This quote is to seek a professional contractor to provide labor, equipment, materials and supervision necessary to perform the work described below. If the contractor's work becomes unsatisfactory, the contractor shall be notified, requiring corrective action.

SCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of this project is to refurbish a rain garden on city property that illustrates the beauty and functionality of rain gardens to the general public. The City has a small rain garden at City Hall (735 8th Street South) of about 150 square feet in size that is very visible to the general public. This rain garden has a large firebush that has completely dominated the site and needs to be removed. The entire rain garden needs to be reworked to match the general design and concept of the City rain garden at the Community Development Building located at 295 Riverside Circle.