14-040 RFQ for Jay and Patty Baker Park Project - RFQ

Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, July 18, 2014 - 2:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
14-040 RFQ for Jay and Patty Baker Park Project - RFQ

The following Request for Qualifications (RFQ) has been developed to solicit information from consulting firms (or teams of firms) proven to be qualified and experienced in civil, geotechnical and structural engineering, environmental engineering and permitting, pathway bridge design and permitting, marine facilities design, water resources, landfill closure, park design and construction. The purpose of this RFQ is to contract with a firm to provide services related to the development of Jay & Patty Baker Park located at 50 Riverside Circle, Naples, FL 34102. Please refer to Exhibit A for a detailed conceptual master plan for this park.

Architectural design and landscape design services are being offered to the City by two local firms at no cost. These two firms are currently developing their scope of services. Depending upon the developed scopes, there may or may not be some incidental architectural and/or landscape services that are needed by the lead firm. This will be determined prior to City Council’s approval of an agreement with the lead firm on June 11, 2014.