19-028 Annual Electrical Services - RFP

Bid/RFP Status: 
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Monday, April 15, 2019 - 2:00pm
Bid Awarded To: 
Bentley Electric, Gulf States Electric & Simmonds Electrical
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
19-028 Annual Electrical Services - RFP
Estimated Budget/Cost Estimate: 
Engineer's Estimate: 
The City of Naples desires to enter into a contractual relationship with vendors capable of providing general electrical services required for maintenance and repair that would include, but not be limited to, Utilities facilities (including wells, pump stations, remote tank site facilities, treatment plants, warehouses, garages, and etc.), Stormwater facilities and equipment, City buildings and administration facilities, parks, ball fields, street lighting, or any other task that may require contracted general electrical services. It is the City’s intent to award multiple contractors and to designate contractors in terms of primary service providers and standby service providers.
No amount of work is or will be guaranteed or implied. The contract(s) to be awarded under this Request For Proposal (RFP) will be annual contracts that will be utilized only in the event of specified tasks being issued. As such, no compensation will accrue to the contractor unless and until the contract is utilized in anticipation of a requested task. Potential contractors are solely responsible for their own costs of developing the proposal associated with this RFP.
It is imperative that the City of Naples be prepared for emergency and scheduled electrical repairs that are required to sustain operational activities that serve the residents and customers within the City. The purpose of this RFP is to obtain competitive pricing for qualified contractors in order to obtain annual contracts for general electrical services for those facilities owned by the City. Repairs will depend upon the discovery of unpredictable occurrences of failure within the existing municipality and its properties. In addition, work under this Contract may include the construction of such appurtenances as may be necessary to improve or enhance the operation of facilities and systems as well as any such other related work as may be directed by the City of Naples.
When work under this contract is required, the City shall notify the contractor regarding the location and general nature of work, and will issue the proper work orders, purchase orders, and instructions for the execution of the work. In general, the work under this contract will be related, but not strictly limited, to that which is characteristic of electrical systems within the municipality and its facilities.