19-048 Cambier Park Veterans Memorial Renovations - ITB

Bid/RFP Status: 
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, August 2, 2019 - 2:00pm
Bid Awarded To: 
Bid was rejected
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
19-048 Cambier Park Veterans Memorial Renovations - ITB
McGee & Associates
Engineer's Estimate: 
The Veterans Memorial is located on the northeast corner of Cambier Park; located
at 755 8th Ave. South, Naples, FL 34102. The City of Naples Community Services
Department is seeking bids for proposed renovation project to the existing Veterans
Memorial site. Proposed renovations include site preparation, demolition and
restoration of plantings and irrigation. Other work requested will include lighting
removal and replacement as well as supplying and installing memorial military seal
markers, new flagpole and new streetlight pole. All work is to be conducted per
included plans, notes and specifications. Included in request will be some
option/alternates that maybe removed and/or added to the project.
The contractor shall be properly licensed, certified and insured to perform required
work in the City of Naples. The site is owned and operated by the City of Naples.
Safe maintenance of traffic must be maintained through the completion of this
project. All access closures must be coordinated with City of Naples staff.