21-009 WWTP Sludge Dewatering & Stabilization Buildings Modifications - ITB

Bid/RFP Status: 
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Thursday, January 7, 2021 - 2:00pm
Bid Awarded To: 
TLC Diversified
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
21-009 WWTP Sludge Dewatering & Stabilization Buildings Modifications - ITB
Hole Montes
Estimated Budget/Cost Estimate: 


The project includes the rehabilitation and improvements at the City of Naples Wastewater Treatment Facility. This work will be completed at the Sludge Dewatering and Stabilization Buildings. Work shall include, but not be limited to the removal and replacement of the existing conveyor system over the truck bay in the Stabilization Building; rehabilitation and improvements of the existing conveyor in the Dewatering building; new walkways in the Stabilization and Dewatering buildings and removal and replacement of the existing sidewall intake fans and roof top exhaust fans in the Dewatering building. A bid alternate is provided for the use of stainless steel for the support structure for the new walkways in lieu of painted carbon steel.

A site visit to the Wastewater Treatment Facility located at 1400 3rd Avenue North in Naples, Florida will take place directly after the Mandatory Pre-Bid.  Prospective Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend since the Wastewater Treatment Facility is a fenced/secured area and this will be their only opportunity to access it.